#0 | PDO->__construct(mysql:adapter=Mysql;host=localhost;dbname=ptimecms;charset=utf8, root, xiaobaitu2, Array([3] => 2)) |
#1 | Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo->connect(Array([adapter] => Mysql, [host] => localhost, [username] => root, [password] => xiaobaitu2, [dbname] => ptimecms, [charset] => utf8)) |
#2 | Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo->__construct(Array([adapter] => Mysql, [host] => localhost, [username] => root, [password] => xiaobaitu2, [dbname] => ptimecms, [charset] => utf8)) /data/app/config/services.php (63) <?php /** * Services are globally registered in this file * * @var \Phalcon\Config $config */ use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault; use Phalcon\Mvc\View; use Phalcon\Mvc\Url as UrlResolver; use Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql as DbAdapter; use Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt as VoltEngine; use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Metadata\Memory as MetaDataAdapter; use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Files as SessionAdapter; use Phalcon\Security; /** * The FactoryDefault Dependency Injector automatically register the right services providing a full stack framework */ $di = new FactoryDefault(); /** * The URL component is used to generate all kind of urls in the application */ $di->set('url', function () use ($config) { $url = new UrlResolver(); $url->setBaseUri($config->application->baseUri); return $url; }, true); /** * Setting up the view component */ $di->setShared('view', function () use ($config) { $view = new View(); $view->setViewsDir($config->application->viewsDir); $view->registerEngines(array( '.volt' => function ($view, $di) use ($config) { $volt = new VoltEngine($view, $di); $volt->setOptions(array( 'compiledPath' => $config->application->cacheDir, 'compiledSeparator' => '_', 'compileAlways'=>true )); return $volt; }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Php' )); return $view; }); /** * Database connection is created based in the parameters defined in the configuration file */ $di->set('db', function () use ($config) { return new DbAdapter($config->database->toArray()); }); /** * If the configuration specify the use of metadata adapter use it or use memory otherwise */ $di->set('modelsMetadata', function () { return new MetaDataAdapter(); }); /** * Start the session the first time some component request the session service */ $di->setShared('session', function () { $session = new SessionAdapter(); $session->start(); return $session; }); $di->set('security', function(){ $security = new Security(); //Set the password hashing factor to 12 rounds $security->setWorkFactor(12); return $security; }, true); //Dispatcher $di->set( 'dispatcher', function () use ($di) { $eventsManager = $di->getShared('eventsManager'); $security = new Security($di); $eventsManager->attach('dispatch', $security); $dispatcher = new Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher(); $dispatcher->setEventsManager($eventsManager); return $dispatcher; } ); $di->set('router', function(){ require APP_PATH . "/app/config/routes.php"; return $router; }, true); |
#3 | {closure}() |
#4 | Phalcon\Di\Service->resolve(null, Object(Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault)) |
#5 | Phalcon\Di->get(db, null) |
#6 | Phalcon\Di->getShared(db) |
#7 | Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager->getReadConnection(Object(Setting: [id] => null, [name] => null, [keyword] => null, [value] => null)) |
#8 | Phalcon\Mvc\Model->getReadConnection() |
#9 | Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query->_executeSelect(Array([models] => Array([0] => Setting), [tables] => Array([0] => setting), [columns] => Array([setting] => Array([type] => object, [model] => Setting, [column] => setting, [balias] => setting))), null, null) |
#10 | Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query->execute(null, null) |
#11 | Phalcon\Mvc\Model::find(null) /data/app/models/Setting.php (48) <?php class Setting extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { /** * * @var integer */ public $id; /** * * @var string */ public $name; /** * * @var string */ public $keyword; /** * * @var string */ public $value; /** * Returns table name mapped in the model. * * @return string */ public function getSource() { return 'setting'; } /** * Allows to query a set of records that match the specified conditions * * @param mixed $parameters * @return Setting[] */ public static function find($parameters = null) { return parent::find($parameters); } /** * Allows to query the first record that match the specified conditions * * @param mixed $parameters * @return Setting */ public static function findFirst($parameters = null) { return parent::findFirst($parameters); } } |
#12 | Setting::find() /data/app/controllers/ControllerBase.php (16) <?php use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller; class ControllerBase extends Controller { public function jsonResponse($error,$result="",$message=""){ header('Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode(["error"=>$error,"data"=>$result,"message"=>$message]); $this->view->disable(); exit; } public function getGlobal(){ //全局设置 $settingResult = Setting::find(); foreach ($settingResult as $value) { $setting[$value->keyword] = $value->value; } $setting = (object)$setting; //导航 $navResultSource = Menu::find([ "is_visible = 1", "order"=>"father_id ASC, weight DESC, id ASC" ]); foreach ($navResultSource as $nav) { $father_id = $nav->father_id; $id = $nav->id; if($nav->url == ""){ $nav->url = "/".$nav->object."/".$nav->object_id; } $navResult[$father_id][] = $nav; } foreach ($navResult as $navs) { foreach ($navs as $nav) { if(isset($navResult[$nav->id])){ $nav->url = $navResult[$nav->id][0]->url; } } } //友情链接 $favolink_category_id = $setting->favolink_category_id; $favolinkResult = Link::find([ "category_id = $favolink_category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC" ]); $this->view->setVar("nav", $navResult); $this->view->setVar("favolink", $favolinkResult); $this->view->setVar("setting", $setting); } public function route404(){ echo "404"; $this->view->disable(); exit; } } |
#13 | ControllerBase->getGlobal() /data/app/controllers/IndexController.php (86) <?php use Phalcon\Http\Response; class IndexController extends ControllerBase { public function initialize() { } public function indexAction() { $result = Setting::findFirst("keyword='index_topic_id'"); $this->dispatcher->forward(array( 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'show', 'params' => ['topic',$result->value] )); return false; } public function listAction($category_id) { //分类信息 $model = new Category(); $categoryResult = $model->findFirst("id=$category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); if(!$categoryResult) $this->route404(); $table = $categoryResult->module; if(!in_array($table, ["category","article","album","link","topic"])) $this->route404(); $this->view->setVar("category",$categoryResult); //全局设置 $this->getGlobal(); //兄弟分类信息,面包屑信息 if($categoryResult->father_id != 0){ $father_id = $categoryResult->father_id; $brotherResult = $model->find([ "father_id=$father_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC" ]); $this->view->setVar("brother",$brotherResult); $father_path = explode(",", $categoryResult->father_path); $parentResult = $model->find(" ( id = ".implode(" OR id=", $father_path)." ) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); $this->view->setVar("parent",$parentResult); } //实体列表信息 $Table = ucfirst($table); if($table == "category"){ $model = new Category(); $result = $model->find([ "father_id = $category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC" ]); }else{ $model = new $Table(); $result = $model->find([ "category_id = $category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>15 ]); //热门 $hotResult = $model->find([ "category_id = $category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"view_num DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>15 ]); $this->view->setVar("hotResult", $hotResult); } //返回 $this->view->setVar("result", $result); $this->view->pick($table."/index"); } public function showAction($object,$object_id) { if(!in_array($object, ["category","article","album","link","topic","picture"])) $this->route404(); //全局设置 $this->getGlobal(); //内容信息 $Table = ucfirst($object); $model = new $Table(); $result = $model->findFirst("id=$object_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); if(!$result) $this->route404(); //访问量++ $result->view_num++; $result->save(); $category_id = $result->category_id; //热门 $hotResult = $model->find([ "category_id = $category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"view_num DESC, created_at DESC" ]); $this->view->setVar("hotResult", $hotResult); //其他 if($object == "album"){ $pictures = Picture::find("album_id=$object_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); $this->view->setVar("pictures", $pictures); } if($object == "topic"){ $topicCategoryResult = TopicCategory::find(["topic_id = $object_id","order"=>"weight DESC, id ASC"]); //临时首页模版 $SettingResult = Setting::findFirst("keyword='index_topic_id'"); if($object_id==$SettingResult->value){ $template = "index/index"; $indexHotResult = Article::find([ "is_hot = 1 AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>6 ]); $this->view->setVar("index_hot", $indexHotResult); } $categories = []; foreach ($topicCategoryResult as $value) { $topicTable = ucfirst($value->category_module); $topicModel = new $topicTable(); $topicCategory_id = $value->category_id; $columnsOthers = ($topicTable == "Link")?",url":""; $categories[] =(object)[ "basic" => Category::findFirst("id = $topicCategory_id"), "list" => $topicModel->find([ "category_id=$topicCategory_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "columns"=>"id,title,description,img_dir,created_at".$columnsOthers, "limit"=>8 ]) ]; } $this->view->setVar("categories",$categories); } //分类信息 $model = new Category(); $categoryResult = $model->findFirst("id=$category_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); if(!$categoryResult) $this->route404(); $this->view->setVar("category",$categoryResult); //兄弟分类信息,面包屑信息 if($categoryResult->father_id != 0){ $father_id = $categoryResult->father_id; $brotherResult = $model->find([ "father_id=$father_id AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC" ]); $this->view->setVar("brother",$brotherResult); $father_path = explode(",", $categoryResult->father_path); $parentResult = $model->find(" ( id = ".implode(" OR id=", $father_path)." ) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"); $this->view->setVar("parent",$parentResult); } //返回 $this->view->setVar("result", $result); $this->view->pick(isset($template)?$template:$object."/show"); } public function aliasAction(){ $model = new Alias(); $name = $this->dispatcher->getParam("alias"); $result = $model->findFirst("name='$name'"); if($result){ if($result->object == "category"){ $action = "list"; $params = [$result->object_id]; }else{ $action = "show"; $params = [$result->object,$result->object_id]; } $this->dispatcher->forward(array( 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => $action, 'params' => $params )); }else{ echo "not found!"; } return false; } public function searchAction($content=""){ //全局设置 $this->getGlobal(); $content = ($content!="")?$content:$_GET['content']; $articleResult = Article::find([ "(title LIKE ?1 OR description LIKE ?1 OR content LIKE ?1) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "bind" =>[1=>"%$content%"], "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>15 ]); $linkResult = LINK::find([ "(title LIKE ?1 OR description LIKE ?1) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "bind" =>[1=>"%$content%"], "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>15 ]); $albumResult = Album::find([ "(title LIKE ?1 OR description LIKE ?1) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "bind" =>[1=>"%$content%"], "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "limit"=>15 ]); $topicResult = Topic::find([ "(title LIKE ?1 OR description LIKE ?1 OR content LIKE ?1) AND is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0", "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "bind" =>[1=>"%$content%"], "limit"=>15 ]); $this->view->setVar("content",$content); $this->view->setVar("articles",$articleResult); $this->view->setVar("links",$linkResult); $this->view->setVar("albums",$albumResult); $this->view->setVar("topics",$topicResult); } public function moreAction($object){ if(!in_array($object, ["category","article","album","link","topic","picture"])) $this->jsonResponse(true,[],"object is out"); if(!$this->request->has("page")) $this->jsonResponse(true,[],"page is missing"); $whereStr = "is_visible = 1 AND is_delete = 0"; $whereBind = []; //关键词过滤 if($this->request->has("content")){ $content = $this->request->get("content"); if(in_array($object, ["article","topic"])){ $whereStr .= " AND (title LIKE ?1 OR content LIKE ?1)"; }else{ $whereStr .= " AND title LIKE ?1"; } $whereBind[1] = "%$content%"; } //分类过滤 if($this->request->has("category_id")){ $category_id = $this->request->get("category_id","int"); $whereStr .= " AND category_id = '$category_id'"; } //分页 $page = $this->request->get("page","int"); //查找 $Table = ucfirst($object); $model = new $Table(); $result = $model::find([ $whereStr, "order"=>"weight DESC, created_at DESC", "bind" =>$whereBind, "limit"=>["number" => 15, "offset" => 15*($page-1)] ])->toArray(); $this->jsonResponse(false,$result); } public function tagAction() { } public function initAction() { $dataAll = [ 'Menu'=>[ ["title"=>"棋院新闻","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>4,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"棋手风采","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>5,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"师资介绍","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>6,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"招生信息","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>7,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"成绩公布","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>8,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"竞赛规程","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>9,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"资料下载","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>10,"father_id"=>0], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>16,"father_id"=>1], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>17,"father_id"=>1], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>18,"father_id"=>1], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>19,"father_id"=>2], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>20,"father_id"=>2], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>21,"father_id"=>2], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>22,"father_id"=>3], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>23,"father_id"=>3], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>24,"father_id"=>3], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>25,"father_id"=>4], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>26,"father_id"=>4], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>27,"father_id"=>4], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>28,"father_id"=>5], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>29,"father_id"=>5], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>30,"father_id"=>5], ["title"=>"国际象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>31,"father_id"=>6], ["title"=>"象棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>32,"father_id"=>6], ["title"=>"围棋","object"=>"category", "object_id"=>33,"father_id"=>6] ], ]; foreach ($dataAll as $table => $datas) { $model = new $table(); if($table == "TopicCategory") $table_str = "topic_category"; else $table_str = $table; //$model->getReadConnection()->query("TRUNCATE $table_str;"); foreach ($datas as $data) { $model = new $table(); $model->save($data); } } exit; $dataAll = [ 'User'=>[ ["name"=>"admin","password"=>$this->security->hash("123123"),"role_id"=>1], ], 'Category'=>[ ["name"=>"代码", "module"=>"article","father_id"=>"0","father_path"=>"0"], ["name"=>"综合资讯", "module"=>"article","father_id"=>"0","father_path"=>"0"], ["name"=>"最新分享代码","module"=>"article","father_id"=>"1","father_path"=>"0,1"], ["name"=>"本周热门代码","module"=>"article","father_id"=>"1","father_path"=>"0,1"], ["name"=>"链接分类1", "module"=>"link","father_id"=>"0","father_path"=>"0"], ["name"=>"相册分类1", "module"=>"album","father_id"=>"0","father_path"=>"0"], ["name"=>"专题分类1", "module"=>"topic","father_id"=>"0","father_path"=>"0"], ["name"=>"代码3","module"=>"article","father_id"=>"3","father_path"=>"0,1,3"], ["name"=>"代码4","module"=>"article","father_id"=>"3","father_path"=>"0,1,3"], ], 'Article'=>[ [ "title"=>"JFinal 2.0 发布,JAVA 极速 WEB+ORM 框架", "description"=>"JFinal 是本星球第一个提出极速开发理念,也是唯一个极速开发框架。自开源以来迅速获得广大开发者的喜爱...", "img_dir"=>"http://www.oschina.net/img/logo/jfinal.gif?t=1399607809000", "content"=>"JFinal 是本星球第一个提出极速开发理念,也是唯一个极速开发框架。自开源以来迅速获得广大开发者的喜爱,极速开发的优势逐步深入人心。由于极速开发威力巨大,所以有了以下在 OSChina 的惊人数据: 1:问答数2600个,在OSChina 在收录的37153个项目中总排名第五位,排前四位的项目分别是:java、android、php、mysql,前四个项目在 OSChina 的收录时间比 JFinal 要早一到四年,问答数量充分表明JFinal是OSChina最活跃的项目 相关链接:http://www.oschina.net/question/tags?catalog=1", "category_id"=>1, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"Linux Kernel 4.1 发布", "description"=>"", "content"=>"", "img_dir"=>"", "category_id"=>1, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"FreeMarker 2.3.23 RC1 发布,Java 模板引擎", "description"=>"", "content"=>"", "img_dir"=>"", "category_id"=>1, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"【每日一博】深入理解学习 Git 常用工作流", "description"=>"", "content"=>"", "img_dir"=>"", "category_id"=>8, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"让你的 PHP 7 更快 (GCC PGO)", "description"=>"", "content"=>"", "img_dir"=>"", "category_id"=>8, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"解决远程连接mysql很慢的方法(mysql_connect 打开连接慢)", "description"=>"有次同事提出开发使用的mysql数据库连接很慢,因为我们的mysql开发数据库是单独一台机器部署的,所以认为可能是网络连接问题导致的。", "img_dir"=>"http://chinalove99.net/mall/uploads/2015/01/30/20150130084155EGCQc51e9d44.jpg", "content"=>"在进行 ping和route后发现网络通信都是正常的,而且在mysql机器上进行本地连接发现是很快的,所以网络问题基本上被排除了。以前也遇到过一次这样的问题,可后来就不知怎么突然好了,这次又遭遇这样的问题,所以想看看是不是mysql的配置问题。在查询mysql相关文档和网络搜索后,发现了一个配置似乎可以解决这样的问题,就是在mysql的配置文件中增加如下配置参数:", "category_id"=>3, "created_by"=>1 ] ], 'Link'=>[ [ "title"=>"谷歌", "url"=>"https://google.com", "category_id"=>5, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"百度", "url"=>"http://baidu.com", "category_id"=>5, "created_by"=>1 ] ], 'Album'=>[ [ "title"=>"越往越南的列车", "category_id"=>6, "img_dir"=>"http://img3.douban.com/view/note/large/public/p27433935.jpg", "created_by"=>1 ] ], 'Picture'=>[ [ "title"=>"列车1", "album_id"=>1, "dir"=>"http://img3.douban.com/view/note/large/public/p27433935.jpg", "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"列车2", "album_id"=>1, "dir"=>"http://img4.douban.com/view/note/large/public/p27433936.jpg", "created_by"=>1 ] ], 'Topic'=>[ [ "title"=>"首页", "category_id"=>7, "created_by"=>1 ], [ "title"=>"燕山大学2015毕业专题", "category_id"=>7, "created_by"=>1 ] ], 'TopicCategory'=>[ [ "topic_id"=>1, "category_module"=>'article', "category_id"=>1 ], [ "topic_id"=>1, "category_module"=>'link', "category_id"=>5 ] ], 'Alias'=>[ [ "object"=>"category", "object_id"=>1, "name"=>"news" ], [ "object"=>"article", "object_id"=>1, "name"=>"bomb" ] ], 'Setting'=>[ [ "name"=>"站点名称", "keyword"=>"site_title", "value"=>"天道棋院", ], [ "name"=>"站点描述", "keyword"=>"site_description", "value"=>"秦皇岛最好的", ], [ "name"=>"站点关键字", "keyword"=>"site_keywords", "value"=>"秦皇岛,棋院", ], [ "name"=>"LOGO", "keyword"=>"logo_dir", "value"=>"#", ], [ "name"=>"地址", "keyword"=>"address", "value"=>"海港区", ], [ "name"=>"邮箱", "keyword"=>"email", "value"=>"123@123.com", ], [ "name"=>"电话", "keyword"=>"phone", "value"=>"11111111111", ], [ "name"=>"备案号", "keyword"=>"icp_number", "value"=>"888", ], [ "name"=>"首页专题", "keyword"=>"index_topic_id", "value"=>"1", ], [ "name"=>"导航分类", "keyword"=>"nav_category_id", "value"=>"5", ], [ "name"=>"友情链接分类", "keyword"=>"favolink_category_id", "value"=>"5", ] ] ]; foreach ($dataAll as $table => $datas) { $model = new $table(); if($table == "TopicCategory") $table_str = "topic_category"; else $table_str = $table; $model->getReadConnection()->query("TRUNCATE $table_str;"); foreach ($datas as $data) { $model = new $table(); $model->save($data); } } } } |
#14 | IndexController->showAction(article, 597) |
#15 | Phalcon\Dispatcher->dispatch() |
#16 | Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle() /data/public/index.php (34) <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); date_default_timezone_set("PRC"); $debug = new \Phalcon\Debug(); $debug->listen(); define('APP_PATH', realpath('..')); // try { /** * Read the configuration */ $config = include APP_PATH . "/app/config/config.php"; /** * Read auto-loader */ include APP_PATH . "/app/config/loader.php"; /** * Read services */ include APP_PATH . "/app/config/services.php"; /** * Handle the request */ $application = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Application($di); echo $application->handle()->getContent(); // } catch (\Exception $e) { // echo $e->getMessage(); // } |
Key | Value |
_url | /article/597 |
Key | Value |
USER | www-data |
HOME | /var/www |
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SCRIPT_FILENAME | /data/public/index.php |
SCRIPT_NAME | /index.php |
REQUEST_URI | /article/597 |
DOCUMENT_URI | /index.php |
DOCUMENT_ROOT | /data/public |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | nginx/1.4.6 |
REMOTE_PORT | 36102 |
SERVER_NAME | localhost |
HTTP_USER_AGENT | CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) |
HTTP_ACCEPT | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 |
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE | Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:39:28 GMT |
HTTP_HOST | qhdtdqy.com |
PHP_SELF | /index.php |
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT | 1731384530.0051 |
REQUEST_TIME | 1731384530 |
# | Path |
0 | /data/public/index.php |
1 | /data/app/config/config.php |
2 | /data/app/config/loader.php |
3 | /data/app/config/services.php |
4 | /data/app/config/routes.php |
5 | /data/app/controllers/IndexController.php |
6 | /data/app/controllers/ControllerBase.php |
7 | /data/app/models/Setting.php |
Memory | |
Usage | 786432 |